Kingsway Campus Redevelopment

A large new-build extension on the College’s Kingsway Campus providing state of the art Hair & Beauty and Catering Facilities along with a modern Learning Resource Centre & IT Suite. The 3-storey building sits in a prominent location on the main road, and connects seamlessly with the retained buildings on the College’s Kingsway Campus site providing a secure and inviting front door for the College.

The project involved significant phasing and decant challenges in order to keep the College running smoothly during the build. A refurbishment of the College’s Engineering and Motor Vehicle Studies building was also undertaken as part of the Enabling Works

Images © Ashe Construction & Atkins Architects


Central Bedfordshire College


Project Management (undertaken by P&S Team whilst employed at Deloitte)




£15m (2015)


Architect: Atkins
Engineer: Atkins
Main Contractor: Ashe Construction
Service Engineer: Atkins
Structural Engineer: Atkins
Project Manager: Deloitte LLP
Cost Manager: AA Projects

“Alex has worked with us on several of our larger capital development projects in recent years. He is a team-player with excellent technical knowledge, able to focus in on detail, or take a more strategic view as required. I’d recommend him for similar project management roles without hesitation”

B Groves, Head of Estates, Central Beds College