Tidemill Academy

A visionary project co-locating education and community facilities at the heart of Lewisham’s regeneration of Deptford town centre. The school hall, rooftop ball court and refectory are all designed for dual use with separate access points from within the school, from the Lounge, and from the public realm.

The far wing of the school on Resolution Way consists of a five-storey building which provides studios and exhibition space for small businesses and local artists, and 38 affordable apartments. The Deptford Lounge and Tidemill Academy open onto Giffin Square, a new public space at the heart of Deptford.

Images © Robert Greshhoff & PTE Architects


Lewisham Borough Council


Project Management, Employer’s Agent & Cost Management




£20m (2012)


Architect: Pollard Thomas Edwards
Engineer: ??
Main Contractor: Galliford Try

This project has won several awards, including; Education Estates Award 2014, London Planning Award 2013, RICS London and South East Award 2013, European Copper in Architecture Award 2013, Building Award 2013, World Architecture News Award 2011


A large new-build extension on the College’s Kingsway Campus

A new build two-form entry primary school and nursery situated on a large green site

A new leisure facility for Sparkhill replacing the original Sparkhill Baths which closed in 2008